- Doorstep Greens
- Learning Network
- Lambeth Archive imagebank
- More historical images of our patch
- About our neighbours
- Doing the Lambeth Walk
- About Lambeth by Lambeth
- About our neighbours
- How to design a garden
- Locals online
- Historical images and maps of Kennington (50 pages)
- More local news
- The Vauxhall Society - historical and current info on Kennington
- Who lives where? Land Registry online
- Black Environment Network
- Film-makers in South London
- Arts in Lambeth
- Latest local statistics
This is a community website for the Friends (and others) of The Lambeth Walk Open Space. The Friends welcome new members whatever their financial or residence status, but local people who use, look at or enjoy our park regularly will get most out of our organisation. Anyone who would like to contribute to the Friends or this blog, please get in touch via the email link (at right, below). We are currently spending nearly £200,000 on the important basics like fence, hedge, play area and path works
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
FoLWOS was asked to receive a delegation from the conference and offer a tour of the Lambeth Walk Doorstep Green to illustrate the kind of local work the CA and the Doorstep Greens are helping, and we were delighted to oblige.
Good relationships are crucial to continued support and the CA has been both generous and patient with FoLWOS as we got up to speed with their programme from pretty much Ground Zero in 2002. Michael Ball (Vice Chair) - who took the pictures - also gave a presentation on the history of the site and the subsequent planning issues. FoLWOS member Ian Nicolson accepted the suggestion earlier in 2004, but, because he now lives in Australia, current FoLWOS chair Diana Braithwaite hosted the tour with Cllr Charles Anglin.
The day went really well, and I am sure that the scale of what is needed and what we are trying to achieve on a very tight budget will have impressed delegates used to dealing in larger sums for smaller projects.
Cllr Margaret Crooks
(Belfast City Council),
Ron Fleming
(President, Townscape Institute, North America),
Mark Blaxwell
(BTCV, Waltham Forest)
and Maria Teresa (architect, Holland).